At the Center of Joy

Dear Friends,

Do you remember the gospel song, “Center of My Joy?” Christian joy is independent of all things on earth because it has its source in the continual presence of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Rather than rejoicing after we have received a blessing, we are called to confidence that we shall be blessed! The result of such joy is victory over the oppressive situations we face as we enter into the abundant life. Victorious and abundant life is the blessing we get from rejoicing. Our original purpose is recreated. We return to where we were created to be, where Adam and Eve were before the fall, where Jesus was after the Resurrection!

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When God has intervened in our lives, it is hard to explain what has happened.

All we know is that the space we thought was cluttered with debris and rubble has been cleared. The composer, Richard Smallwood, says when we’ve lost our direction, God is the compass for our way; She is the fire and light when nights are long and cold; in sadness, God is the laughter, that shatters all our fears; and when we’re all alone, His hand there to hold!


Be assured that nothing you face in life is too hard for God. Be free of worry and doubt. Pay attention when God shows you the path of life, be filled with joy and the abundant pleasures of living with God the Creator, the Redeemer and the Holy Spirit forever.

Hello Golden